Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy
3 th Edition
By Mary Bath-Balogh, BA, BS, MS, Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology, Department of Biology, Pierce College Fort Steilacom, Lakewood, WA and Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS, Oral Biologist and Dental Hygenist; Adjunct Instructor, BASDH Degree Program, St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg, FL; Dental Hygiene Educational Consultant and Dental Science Technical Writer, Seattle, WA
Unit I: Review of Dental Structures
1. Face and Neck Regions
2. Oral Cavity and Pharynx
Unit II: Dental Embryology
3. Overview of Prenatal Development
4. Development of the Face and Neck
5. Development of Orofacial Structures
6. Tooth Development and Eruption
Unit III: Dental Histology
7. Overview of the Cell
8. Basic Tissues
9. Oral Mucosa
10. Gingival and Dentogingival Junctional Tissues
11. Head and Neck Structures
12. Enamel
13. Dentin and Pulp
14. Periodontium: Cementum, Alveolar Bone, Periodontal Ligament
Unit IV: Dental Anatomy
15. Overview of the Dentitions
16. Permanent Anterior Teeth
17. Permanent Posterior Teeth
18. Primary Dentition
19. Temporomandibular Joint
20. Occlusion
Appendix A: Anatomical Position
Appendix B: Units of Measure
Appendix C: Tooth Measurements
Appendix D: Tooth Development