Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review:
TMJ: The Self-Help Program, November 25, 2002
Reviewer: A reader
from Texas |
Very useful information. I live in a remote town and it's 3 hours to the
nearest doctor who treats TMJ. The self help info really helped me treat
myself. I bought two products the book recommended and was able to stop the
Dealing with TMJ, January 24, 2002
Reviewer: A reader
from USA |
This book has been a great source of information for me in dealing with
my TMJ disorder. It has given me a greater understanding of my condition and
wonderful information on helping me deal with the pain.
I had decided to try the TMJ orthotics before resorting to surgery. The
orthotics have helped me greatly and I have alot less pain. The home
exercies are also very beneficial.
I would definitely recommend this book to others.
tmj the real story, September 17, 2001
Reviewer: A reader
from Rhode Island, USA |
I am a 36 yr. old female. I have been suffering with TMJ/DJD for a great
many years - 22 to be exact. For the past 4 it's been hell. With four
surgeries and 2 total reconstructions I am still living with horrid pain.
When this book was recommened to me, I thought it would give me some
answers. It did not. I was put off by how the chronic issue were not
addressed. Surgery by an oral surgeon was not discussed. In my area of the
country, dentists do not deal with TMJ, the oral surgeon is the main MD. Get
your facts correct. The book was a waste of money. |