For your convenience, all cosmetic
dentistry books are in alphabetical order by title. Books that are
recommended for study for the accreditation examination of the American
Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry are
highlighted in yellow
(contact the AACD at for
more details about this accreditation examination.)
Also, check our page on consumer-oriented
cosmetic dentistry books for your reception room. Following the
cosmetic dentistry books, other texts recommended for study for AACD
accreditation that may not be specifically in the field of cosmetic
dentistry, are listed.
Cosmetic dentists—consider joining the
MyNewSmile cosmetic dentistry referral service. If you can show photos
of the excellent quality of your work, you could qualify to be listed.
Only $250/year! Click here for info.
Description of Book: (This book is
recommended for study in preparation for the AACD cosmetic dentistry accreditation
exam.) This book is for practitioners and also for
students. It explains the rationale for these restorations,
treatment-planning and decision-making, as well as provides
step-by-step instructions for placing these restorations. It covers
direct, indirect, and semi-direct metal-free restorations.
Atlas of Cosmetic
Dentistry: A Patient's Guide
by Mark Landau ISBN:
0867154284 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, Feb.
2004 $198.00 40 laminated pages in portfolio binder, 127
illus. Free shipping! This book is also listed in the
cosmetic dentistry patient information page.
Book Description: This is a book to help your patients
understand cosmetic dentistry. It is spiral bound with a built-in
collapsible stand to make it convenient to display to patients
either in the treatment room or reception room. It is an invaluable tool for teaching patients
about the expected outcomes of common
cosmetic dental procedures as well as the steps required to get
there. Clearly and concisely written, the detailed
illustrations with before-and-after photographs show patients how
their smiles can be improved.
Techniques in Restorative Dentistry: An Illustrated Guide by Linda Greenwall, BDS, MGDS, MRD, MSc (Editor), George A.
Freedman D.D.S. ISBN 1853177725 Publisher: Martin Dunitz,
July 2001 $82.45 (Price may vary) 269 pages Hardcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description Bleaching is the most common
esthetic treatment for adults. This guide covers all aspects of
bleaching, from home-use to in-office products. It is written to help the
busy restorative dentist who needs to keep up to date with all of
these procedures and how to use them in combination with restorative
Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: a Biomimetic
Approach by Pascal
Magne, Urs Belser ISBN 0867154225 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co,
June 2002 $151.20 Free shipping!
Book Description This book presents the philosophy of biomimetics
(the mimicking of nature). The authors combine sound biologic
principles with an great respect for the natural intact tooth
to achieve a supremely esthetic result with bonded porcelain restorations.
This approach draws upon
the ideal hues, the subtle shades, and especially the intracoronal
anatomy of the natural tooth to serve as a guide to the reconstruction
of a beautiful smile. A checklist
of fundamental esthetic criteria is presented, and diagnosis, treatment
planning, tooth preparation, laboratory procedures,
adhesive luting procedures, and maintenance protocols are carefully
detailed. The reader will find all the information and step-by-step
instruction needed to obtain superior results. Work by the authors
is showcased throughout the book.
Complete Dental Bleaching by Robert
E. Goldstein, David A. Garber ISBN: 0867152907 Publisher:
Quintessence Pub Co, Jan. 1995 $72.00 Hardcover 176
pages 202 illus Free shipping!
Book Description: A comprehensive text on
dental bleaching. It begins with a chapter on the
chemistry of bleaching to help you understand how and why tooth bleaching is so
effective. Other chapters are devoted to diagnosis and treatment
planning, in-office bleaching, dentist-supervised home bleaching, and bleaching
non-vital teeth. The final chapter integrates all of the various
esthetic dental treatments and
demonstrates how bleaching can be combined with complex treatment plans.
Many color photographs throughout.
Demystifying Smiles:
Strategies for the Dental Team by Kristine
A. Hodsdon, Bobbi Anthony, Randy Hodgins ISBN: 0878148507
Publisher: Pennwell, Jan. 2003 $49.00 Softcover 281
pages This book is also listed in the Dental Hygiene and
Practice Management Marketing sections.
Free Shipping!
Book Description: This book presents the
fundamentals of cosmetic dentistry for the dentist and the rest of
the dental team.
"Wow! It looks like
dental hygiene has a new "super star/mentor!"--Woody Oakes, DDS,
FAES, Excellence in Dentistry
"It's a great book on many
levels—professionally and personally."--Therese M. Mainella,
Marketing Manager
Esthetic Color Training in Dentistryby Rade Paravina, John
Powers ISBN: 0323028381 Publisher: CV Mosby, July
2004 $77.95 192 pages Softcover plus CD-ROM Free
Book Description: Color, especially the color of teeth,
is very complex. This
book/CD-ROM will help you master the art of color manipulation to achieve
the best esthetic results for dental procedures. It covers bonding
procedures, indirect veneers, and bleaching. It will help you precisely match
the various dental materials to patients' teeth. Its nine easy-to-read chapters
will give you an excellent foundation in all aspects of color – from colorimetry and the properties of natural teeth, to
the specifics of color perception and reproduction of color. The
accompanying CD-ROM uses interactive color-block exercises to train
and test users on discerning lightness, saturation, and dye changes,
as well as total color differences.
Esthetic Dentistry: A
Clinical Approach to Techniques and Materials by Kenneth W. Aschheim, Barry G. Dale ISBN:
0323001629 Publisher: Mosby, Inc. Jan. 2001 $248.00
606 pages Hardcover
Our most popular cosmetic dentistry text. Free shipping!
Book Description Esthetic Dentistry teaches you
how to treat esthetic problems, presenting treatment methods clearly
and in step-by-step fashion. Hundreds of clinical tips are included throughout the book
which explain potential problems, technique variations for unusual
cases, and
other treatment considerations. Necessary armamentarium is clearly
Dentistry and Ceramic Restorations by Bernard
Touati DMD, Daniel Nathanson DMD MSD, Paul Miara ISBN 185317159X
Publisher: Martin Dunitz, Jan. 1999 $167.96
Free shipping!
Book Description This book is written for both dental
practitioners and laboratory technicians. Restorative dentistry is based on
four basic principles: biocompatibility of the materials used,
minimizing tissue
damage, maximizing the longevity of restorations, and esthetic considerations.
The progress of esthetic dentistry has been enabled by recent advances in materials
as well as the development of ceramic bonding techniques, and the
improved understanding of color and light
transmission. This extensively illustrated text, prepared by an
international team, discusses these basic principles and presents a
detailed clinical guide to the
esthetic techniques required, restoring or improving
single teeth with various ceramic systems.
Exclusive: This book is not carried by stores. Click
here to buy this book from America's Dental Bookstore with prompt
Esthetic Dentistry:
A Patient's Guide by Elliot Mechanic DDS
Free shipping.
Special: 6 copies for
$37.95 each. Save $60! Click
for this special 6-copy price.
Book Description: Esthetic Dentistry: A Patient's Guide is to be used
as both a coffee table guide for your reception area and as a
chairside tool for yourself and your dental team to convey to the
patient the possibilities of what esthetic dentistry can do for them.
Get one copy for your reception room and one for every treatment room.
There is also a copy in every treatment room. Designed to look like a
fashion magazine, your patients will pick it up and be asking you
questions about the cosmetic dentistry you can do for them. Using it
chairside, you can explain smile design and many esthetic procedures.
Implant Dentistry: Soft & Hard Tissue by
Patrick Palacci (Editor), Ingvar Ericsson (Editor) ISBN:
086715392X Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, Jan
2001 $110.00 227 pages Hardcover This book is
also listed under Implants. Free shipping!
Book Description The authors are visiting professors at
Boston University. The book describes the use of implants in such a
way that they will not feel or look like a foreign body. The text is
abundant with full-color illustrations. Conclusions are based on
science and long-term clinical experience and are fully documented.
Esthetic Rehabilitation In Fixed Prosthodontics: Esthetic Analysis: A
Systematic Approach To Prosthetic Treatment by Mauro Fradeani
ISBN: 1850971080 Publisher: Quintessence, Jan 2004
$206.40 352 pages Hardcover
Free shipping!
Book Description:
This text provides the clinician with a systematic approach for an
esthetic analysis of the face and mouth, in order to provide a
framework for esthetic treatment planning. Separate chapters are
devoted to understanding the esthetic parameters involved in facial,
dentolabial, gingival, dental, and phonetic analysis. Each chapter
presents prosthetic considerations with applications that allow the
clinician to optimize a treatment plan based on the individual
clinical situation of the patient. Also provided is an esthetic
checklist designed as an aid for the clinician to apply the principles
described to everyday practice. Generously illustrated, this text is
an invaluable tool for all clinicians practicing esthetic and
restorative dentistry.
Esthetic Restorations:
Improved Dentist-Laboratory Communication by Paul Muia
ISBN: 0867152265 Publisher: Quintessence Publishing Co. Apr.
Hardcover: 257 pages 501 illus (388 color)
$115.00 Free shipping!
Description: Esthetic Restorations shows what is needed for a successful
restoration and how the dentist and dental ceramist can work together
to produce the best possible esthetic results for the patient.
Esthetic dentistry in particular requires flawless dentist-technician
communication, and superb teamwork.
Esthetics and Prosthetics: An Interdisciplinary
Consideration of the State of the Art by
Jens Fischer (Editor) ISBN: 0867153245 Publisher:
Quintessence, Mar. 1999 This book is also listed under Fixed
Prosthodontics $89.00 Hardcover 220 pages 488 illus
(453 in color) Free shipping!
Book Description: In this extensively
illustrated book, a distinguished group of authors describes the use
of metal-ceramic restorations in achieving highly esthetic results.
The text explains various treatment options in detail and compares
their advantages and disadvantages.
Esthetics in
Dentistry, Volume 1: Principles, Communications,
Treatment Methods (Book with CD-ROM) (2nd Edition) by Ronald Goldstein, DDS
ISBN: 155009047X Publisher: B.C. Decker, June 1998
$367.46 (Price may vary) Hardcover: 470 pages
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
This volume in a three-volume book/CD-ROM set deals with problems of
communication, esthetic principles, and basic esthetic treatments such
as cosmetic contouring, bleaching, bonding, porcelain laminates, and
the full crown restoration. Other topics include treatment planning,
marketing, legal considerations, biology of esthetics, and tooth
color. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the complete text and
illustrations in searchable files. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
Esthetics in Dentistry,
Volume 2: Esthetic Problems of Individual Teeth, Missing Teeth,
Malocclusion, Special Populations (Book with CD-ROM) (2nd Edition) by Ronald E. Goldstein and Van Haywood
ISBN: 1550090488 Publisher: B.C. Decker, November, 2001
$185.73 (Price may vary) Hardcover: 884 pages
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Description: Covers four specific areas of dental esthetics: the problems of
individual teeth, missing teeth, malocclusion, and the special
populations of children and the elderly. Heavily illustrated with
high-quality, full-color photographs.
Esthetics of Anterior Fixed
Prosthodontics by Gerard Chiche
and Alain Pinault ISBN: 0867152583 Publisher: Quintessence
Pub Co, Jan 1994 $78.40 202 pages Hardcover Free
Book Description (This book is recommended for study in
preparation for the AACD cosmetic dentistry accreditation exam.) This book is
written for general dentists, specialists, and laboratory
technicians. Using superior color
illustrations, Chiche and Pinault, a clinician-technician team, offer principles and
techniques for achieving the best possible results. They explain not
only how the restorative dentist works with the dental technician, but
with the orthodontist and periodontist. A clear and
comprehensive treatment of the subject.
Esthetics with Resin Composite: Basics and Techniques (Book/DVD set)
by Burkard Hugo
ISBN: 1850971838 Publisher: Quintessence Publishing (IL); 1 edition (January 2009)
$198.00 272 pages 1,227 illustrations Hardcover
Free Shipping!
This book/DVD set, the legacy of a gifted dentist and lecturer,
demonstrates the diverse treatment options available and the
impressive outcomes that can be achieved with the skillful use of
the direct resin composite technique. The book shows how highly
esthetic direct resin composite restorations can be created in the
anterior dentition using a minimally invasive approach. Step-by-step
procedures for completing treatment in a single session are detailed
in text and full-color photographs for various clinical situations.
In addition, the presentation of complex clinical cases provides the
dental practitioner with insights into the potential modern uses of
resin composite for the buildup of anterior teeth, the closure of
approximal gaps and black triangles, changes in tooth position and
shape, and directly constructed, fiber-reinforced fixed dental
prostheses. The accompanying DVD contains video footage of clinical
procedures described in the book to enhance the reader’s ability to
achieve similar treatment results.
Fundamentals of
Color: Shade Matching and Communication in Esthetic Dentistry by Stephen Chu, Alessandro Devigus, and Adam J.
ISBN: 0867154349 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co; 2 edition (February 28, 2011)
$58.50 168 pages Softcover
Free Shipping!
Description: When dental practitioners lack training in the art and science of color, the deficiency often becomes glaringly evident in the quality of their restorative work. This book was written to simplify the study of color and help dentists communicate shade easily and accurately. It begins by presenting the basics of color theory within the context of esthetic dentistry and the factors that affect the transmission and perception of color. This is followed by how-to chapters on conventional and technology-based shade matching, which highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each approach and provide step-by-step shade-matching methods and protocols. This updated and expanded second edition also includes chapters on the use of digital photography for shade verification and the influence of material selection on color matching. In the final two chapters, the authors present their own recommended shade-matching protocol (which combines conventional and computer-based techniques) and an expanded series of cases demonstrating its application in various clinical scenarios. Highly recommended for students, general practioners, and specialists.
of Esthetics by Claude R.
Rufenacht ISBN: 0867152303 Publisher:
Quintessence Pub Co, Sept 1990 $160.00 373 pages
Hardcover Free shipping!
The purpose of this book is to simplify the subject of esthetic
dentistry, with the description of selected esthetic rules that can
be used for simple as well as complex restorative procedures. It includes
a description of surgical treatments that can restore esthetics in periodontally compromised cases.
It discusses, porcelain
veneers, metal-ceramic framework design, as well as tissue
management and a biologic
approach to functional and esthetic occlusion.
Imaging in Esthetic Dentistry
by Cary E. Goldstein, Ronald E. Goldstein, David A.
Garber ISBN: 0867152389 Publisher: Quintessence, Jan.
1998 $78.00 Hardcover 188 pages 205 illus. This book
is also listed with dental assisting texts.
Book Description: Written for the dentist as well as
others in the dental team, this book will help you to either bring computer imaging into your
practice or to make better use of the system you have. Computer imaging
will not only enhance your communication with your patients, it will
improve your esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning. Imaging is
also an effective tool for communicating with dental
laboratory technicians and specialists. More and more esthetic dentists are finding
computer imaging to be an indispensable part of their practices.
Filled with examples and step-by-step techniques and tips, this
book is the practice-enhancement choice for the whole dental team.
The Invisalign
System by Orhan C. Tuncay
ISBN: 1850971277 Publisher: Quintessence, July 2006
$194.94 330 pages Hardcover
Free shipping!
Description: This is the first book to be published on the Invisalign System,
and is designed for clinicians who want to integrate Invisalign into
their practice. It provides the reader with an in-depth look at the
technology, performance, and clinical applications of this uniquely
esthetic and patient-friendly approach to orthodontic treatment.
Unlike conventional fixed orthodontic treatment approaches, Invisalign
is a system that uses the clinician’s diagnostic data to create a
three-dimensional image of the desired course of tooth movement;
treatment is then carried out using a series of custom-manufactured
removable, clear plastic aligners. The book is full of full-color
images that illustrate every step of this process: impression taking,
image acquisition, and virtual diagnosis through digital
three-dimensional treatment planning. Clinical considerations, such as
indications and contraindications, esthetic analysis, and treatment of
adolescents, are also discussed. In addition, the technology behind
the Invisalign System - including software, appliance design,
manufacturing, material properties, biomechanics of force systems
applied to the teeth, and periodontal response to treatment - is
presented in the context of how it currently functions as well as
research and development for future innovations.
Mastering Digital Dental
Photography by Wolfgang Bengel
ISBN: 1859071528 Publisher: Quintessence Publishing Co., March
$158.40 Hardcover 340 pages 520 mostly color images
Free Shipping!
Book Description: The author of this book, who has been teaching dental photography
for the past 20 years, explains everything you need to know to step
smoothly into the world of digital photography, whether or not you
possess any knowledge of film photography. For many, digital
photography holds much promise, but making the transition from
conventional to digital photography can be a daunting task, and it
also raises some concerns. How do I select the right camera? Will I
lose anything in image quality? How much space will I need for
storage? Mastering Digital Dental Photography was written to help you
avoid the pitfalls of buying the wrong equipment and software. If your
goal is to take high-quality digital dental photographs, then you need
this book.
Esthetics by Adolfi, Dario ISBN:
8587425463 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, Sept
2002 $100.00 (Price may vary) 118
pages 436 color illus
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Description of book: This book is designed to help both
the practicing dentist and the laboratory technician understand
esthetics through the study of natural teeth. Using outstanding
photography, it presents a guide to proper tooth morphology,
shade, texture, and so forth. Going beyond that, it describes a variety of
techniques for developing the anatomy of both anterior and posterior
teeth, constructing high-quality provisional restorations, and fabricating
ceramic teeth with metal-free systems. This book is
indispensable for clinicians and dental technicians who wish to
educate themselves about the latest materials and how to use them to
achieve superior esthetic results.
Porcelain & Composite Inlays
& Onlays: Esthetic Posterior Restorations by David A. Garber, Ronald E. Goldstein ISBN:
0867151714 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, Jan
1994 $72.00 159 pages Hardcover
Free shipping!
Book Description (This book is recommended for study in
preparation for the AACD cosmetic dentistry accreditation exam.) Indirect porcelain
and composite inlays and onlays have become viable esthetic
alternatives for posterior restorations. This
comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide by two highly-respected experts
esthetic dentistry offers fundamental techniques, alternative
techniques, and future trends, such as CAD/CAM in a step-by-step
approach. It discusses the indications for various restorations, preparation
and placement techniques, laboratory
fabrication, etc.
Porcelain Laminate
Veneers by David A. Garber, Ronald
E. Goldstein, and Ronald A. Feinman ISBN: 0867151943
Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, 1988 $36.24
(Price may vary) Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
This book is listed on the AACD recommended reading list, but is
currently out of print and unavailable from the Publisher.
Principles of Esthetic
Integration by Claude R. Rufenacht ISBN:
0867153695 Publisher: Quintessence, July 2000 $124.00
Hardcover 300 pages 532 color illus Free shipping!
Book Description: This book guides
dental practitioners toward a better understanding of the art and
science of esthetics by helping them become conscious of the various
factors affecting dental appearance. With over five hundred color
illustrations, the author describes procedures for for restoring the
dentition while meeting
biological, functional, and esthetic requirements. Given patients’
increasing concern with esthetics, every practitioner, from general
dentist to specialist, should acquire a solid and practical
knowledge of the principles, criteria, and factors that generate
beauty in the dentition.
The Science and Art of Dental
Ceramics Volume II Bridge Design & Lab Procedures in Dental Ceramics by John W.
McLean ISBN: 093138611X Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co,
June 1980 $126.94 (Price may vary) 512 pages Hardcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description This book is a classic in esthetic
laboratory technology, and remains on the recommended reading list
of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. While directed at
laboratory technicians, it provides helpful understanding for the
clinician as well. In this volume, with numerous color photographs and diagrams, detailed
techniques are presented for making ceramo-metal and alumina-reinforced-ceramic crowns
and bridges. Special effects in dental porcelain, the
Wedge Technique, development of correct anatomy, methods for
avoiding loss of detail during glazing, casting technique, surface
finishing of the metal - these topics and more are presented and critically examined
in the light of current research.
The Science and Art
of Porcelain Laminate Veneers by Galip Gürel
(ed), Stephen J. Chu, Korkud Demirel, Jean-Françüois Roulet, Claude
R. Rufenact ISBN: 1850970602 Publisher: Quintessence Pub
Co, Jan. 2003 $194.04 528 pages, 1200 color illus,
Hardcover Free shipping!
Book Description: Gürel
practices in Istanbul, Turkey, and is the founder of the
Turkish Academy for Esthetic Dentistry. This huge,
extensively-illustrated volume comprehensively covers the subject of porcelain laminate veneers.
It describes the basic principles of esthetics and smile design, and
the steps involved in the design, preparation, and placement of porcelain
veneers, including adhesion, function, color, and periodontal
considerations. A 100-page central chapter provides an atlas that
guides the clinician through each step. Other topics include
failures, treating tetracycline stains, and orthodontic
considerations. Contributors include six other specialists who
practice in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey, and the US.
Shape and Color: The Key to
Successful Ceramic Restorations by Gerald
Ubassy ISBN: 0867152079 Publisher: Quintessence Publishing
Co., May 1993 $100.00 216 pages Hardcover 463
color illustrations Free shipping!
Book Description The study of shapes and color and how they
interact is the focus of this book. It stresses the
need for excellent communication between the dentist and dental
technician and emphasizes the importance of the observation of natural
teeth in order to provide esthetic, long-lasting restorations. It
also covers the polishing of ceramic, how to create fissures, the fabrication
of working casts, and more.
Design: A Guide for Clinician, Ceramist, and Patient by Gerard Chiche and Hitoshi Aoshima
ISBN: 0867154357 Publisher: Quintessence Pub. Co., Jan 2004
$94.40 140 pages Hardcover 395 color illustrations
Free shipping!
Book Description: Successful esthetic dentistry depends on effective communication
involving the patient, the clinician, and the dental ceramist.
Facilitation of this three-way communication is the
purpose of this new clinical atlas that documents many years of
collaborative work between a world-renowned clinician and educator and
a master dental ceramist. This beautiful book, amply illustrated in
full color, discusses patient objectives, treatment plans and
outcomes, shade selection, and other elements of smile design (ie,
arrangement, brightness, character, and incisal effects) in a
straightforward style. The book can also be used as an aid in
discussing treatment options with the patient and in communicating
those options to the ceramist.
Tooth Whitening: Indications and Outcomes of Nightguard Vital Bleaching by Van B. Haywood
ISBN: 0867154500 Publisher: Quintessence Publishing (IL); 1 edition (March 2007)
$98.00 152 pages Hardcover 428 color illustrations
Free shipping!
Book Description: This pictorial atlas presents the results that can be achieved
with the use of nightguard vital bleaching with tray application of
10% carbamide peroxide. The author has used this approach for
more than 15 years as an affordable alternative to more invasive
cosmetic treatment options for patients with discolored teeth.
An introductory chapter provides valuable background information on
topics such as indications and contraindications, step-by-step
procedures, treatment times, longevity and special considerations
for patients with sensitivity and other existing tooth conditions.
In the succeeding chapters, cases illustrating virtually every
possible treatment scenario provide practical clinical tips for the
application of this approach and demonstrate the results that can be
expected. Finally, the appendices offer useful clinical tools
such as patient information forms and instructions for the
fabrication of bleaching trays. Essential for practitioners
who want to expand their knowledge of this popular and versatile
treatment option. Also, with hundreds of before and after
photographs presented in an atlas format, this book is an ideal
chairside tool for showing patients how bleaching treatment can
light up their smile.
The following texts are not cosmetic,
but are listed on the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
recommended reading list for study to become accredited in cosmetic
dentistry (contact the AACD for more details at :
ADA Guide to Dental
Therapeutics ISBN:
1891748009 Publisher: American Dental Association, Jan
1998 $1.76 (Price may vary) 599 pages Hardcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Dentistry's most authoritative and comprehensive drug reference.
Covers all drugs prescribed in dentistry and provides adverse
effects, clinical considerations and interactions on a vast number
of dentist and physician prescribed drugs.
Dental Materials and Their
Selection by
William J. O'Brien ISBN: 0867154063 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co; 4 edition (January 2009)
$56.43 425 pages Paperback
Free shipping!
Book Description
This text offers a review of basic and applied principles of dental materials and an update on current dental products, for predoctoral and graduate students, dental practitioners, dental hygienists, and dental technicians. In keeping with the previous edition, this fourth edition stresses basic principles and limits coverage of historic techniques and materials. There is updated material on color and appearance, surface phenomena and adhesion to tooth structure, polymeric restorative materials, dental amalgams, dental porcelains, orthodontic wire, and implant and bone augmentation materials. Numerous B&w clinical photos and photos of equipment are included, along with B&w microimages. Learning features include chapter glossaries and discussion and study questions. O'Brien is director of the Dental Materials Laboratory at the School of Dentistry, University of Michigan.
Evaluation, Diagnosis, and
Treatment of Occlusal Problems (2nd Edition) by Peter E. Dawson (editor) ISBN:
0801627885 Publisher: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., Jan
1989 $59.56 (Price may vary) 632 pages Hardcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Description of Book: Dawson's approach to occlusion. A classic in dental literature.
Fundamentals of Fixed
Prosthodontics (4th Edition) by Herbert T. Shillingburg (Editor), Sumiya Hobo, Lowell D.
Whitsett, Richard Jacobi, Susan E. Brackett ISBN 086715201X
Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co; 4 edition (March 30, 2012) $101.56 584 pages Hardcover Free shipping!
Book Description The fourth edition of this popular undergraduate text has been updated and expanded to reflect new research, materials, and techniques in fixed prostho-dontics, with the addition of more than 350 new illustrations and three new chapters on the restoration of implants. It is designed to serve as an introduction to restorative dentistry techniques using fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations, providing the background knowledge needed by the novice and serving as a refresher for the practitioner or graduate student. Specific techniques and instruments are discussed, and updated information has been added to cover new cements, new impression materials and equipment, and changes in soft tissue management methods used during impression procedures. New articulators, facebows, and concepts of occlusion have been added, along with precise ways of making removable dies. Different ways of handling edentulous ridges with defects that provide better control over the functional and cosmetic outcome are also presented. Finally, the topics of esthetic and implant restorations, which have become increasingly emphasized in dental practice, are given greater attention.
McCracken's Removable Partial
Edition) by Glen P. McGivney, Alan
B. Carr, William L. McCracken ISBN:
0323069908 Publisher: Mosby; 12 edition (July 6, 2010) $90.67 (Prices may vary) 400 pages Hardcover Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Description of Book: The leading prosthodontics resource for more than 40 years, McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics provides the information you need to successfully manage the replacement of missing teeth. It covers the basic principles of treatment planning and design, and discusses the newest techniques, procedures, and equipment. Well-known educators Alan B. Carr, DMD, MS, and David T. Brown, DDS, MS use an evidence-based approach that helps you diagnose, design, develop, and sequence a treatment plan. A new chapter in this edition explains how to select and use implants to improve prosthesis performance. From initial contact with the patient to post-treatment care, from basic concepts to advanced material, this full-color text provides a complete foundation in prosthodontic care./P>
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