Dental Hygiene Books
Books that are helpful for hygienists preparing
for Dental Hygiene Board Exams are highlighted in yellow.
Here are the titles of the three most popular ones, but there are several
1. Dental Hygiene Board Review
2. Mosby's Comprehensive
Review of Dental Hygiene (recommended) 3. Q&A Review for Dental Hygiene
For your convenience, all books are in alphabetical order by title.
To check on the availability of used books, click on the "buy" link.
Applied Pharmacology for the
Dental Hygienist (5th Edition)
by B Requa-Clark
ISBN 0323048749
Publisher: Mosby-Year Book, Apr. 2007
$58.45 640 pages Paperback
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Book Description
This book teaches
hygienists the
basic principles of pharmacology. Many drugs that patients may be
taking can affect dental treatment. This book covers those drugs,
grouping them by class. It deals with potential drug interactions,
emergency drugs, as well as
special situations such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or drug abuse.
The book is useful for instruction and to keep in the office as a
chairside reference.
Applied Pharmacology for the
Dental Hygienist (6th Edition)
Elena Haveles
ISBN 0323065589
Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (February 5, 2010)
$72.21, 400 Pages, Paperback
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Book Description
Easy to read and easy to
follow, this practical text provides an understanding of the basic
principles of pharmacology. It covers the most common drugs that you
will encounter in clinical practice ?the drugs a patient may already
be taking and the drugs prescribed by the dentist. A logical and
consistent organization makes it easy to look up drug group
indications, pharmacokinetics, pharmacologic effects, adverse
reactions, drug interactions, and dosages. Ensure patient safety
with this essential reference!
Basic Principles of Pharmacology with Dental Hygiene Applications by Frieda A Pickett RDH, MS Géza T Terézhalmy DDS, MA
ISBN: 0781765366 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (September 1, 2008)
$67.95 Paperback, 328 pages, 82 illustrations
(This book is also located in the Pharmacology page)
Book Description: Basic Principles of Pharmacology with Dental Hygiene Applications
presents up-to-date pharmacological principles and identifies
applications of these principles in day-to-day dental hygiene practice.
The text coordinates principles of pharmacology with pathophysiology and
identifies applications to the oral health treatment plan and treatment
record information. Coverage includes subjects not found in other
pharmacology textbooks for dental hygiene students: adverse drug
effects, drugs used by the dental hygienist, sources to help patients or
personnel seek treatment for substance abuse problems, and herbal
supplements. Each chapter includes case studies, self-study questions,
end-of-chapter dental hygiene application summaries, and clinical
application exercises.
Case Studies in
Dental Hygiene (3rd Edition)
by Evelyn M. Thomson, BSDH, MS; Deborah Blythe
Bauman, MS; Deanne Shuman, BSDH, MS, Ph.D.; Esther K. Andrews, CDA, RDA, RDH, MA
ISBN: 0132913089 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (June 24, 2012)
$60.26 336 pages Paperback
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Book Description: Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, Third Edition, is designed to guide the development of criti-cal-thinking skills and the application of theory to care at all levels of dental hygiene education–from beginning to advanced students. This textbook is designed to be used throughout the dental hygiene curriculum. Because the questions and decisions regarding treatment of each case span the dental hygiene sciences and clinical practice protocols, this book will find a place in enhanc-ing every course required of dental hygiene students. Introducing this text at the beginning of the educational experience may help the student realize early on the link between theory and patient care. Students then progress through the program with a heightened awareness of evidence-based practice.
Case Studies in
Dental Hygiene (2nd Edition)
by Evelyn M.
ISBN: 0131589946 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 edition (March 20, 2008)
$36.40 272 pages Paperback
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Book Description: Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, 2nd edition
is designed to guide the development of critical thinking skills and
the application of theory to care at all levels of dental hygiene
education — from beginning to advanced students. This textbook is
designed to be utilized throughout the dental hygiene curriculum.
Because the questions and decisions regarding treatment of each case
span the dental hygiene sciences and clinical practice protocols,
this book will find a place in enhancing each and every course
required of dental hygiene students. This text is a viable study
guide to help students prepare for success on national, regional and
state examinations which have a patient care focus. Case Studies in
Dental Hygiene, 2nd edition is an excellent review text for the
graduating dental hygiene student preparing to take the National
Board Dental Hygiene Examination.
Clinical Aspects of Dental
Materials: Theory Practice and Cases, Fourth Edition by Marcia Gladwin and Michael Bagby
ISBN: 1609139658 Publisher:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Fourth edition (February 13, 2012)
$60.54 Paperback: 528 pages
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This book is also in the Dental Materials section
Description of Book:
This book is a comprehensive, yet user-friendly, and clinically focused materials text for dental hygiene that logically presents the theoretical aspects of materials while also making the clinical application to best prepare students to handle materials. The unique strength of the text is its outline approach to presenting materials information. This outline approach, consistent with the format of Wilkins, is preferred by the market because it is clear, to the point, and concise.
Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials also incorporates useful chapter features, but no fluff, case studies, and skills checklists that can be used in the laboratory portion of the course.
Clinical Aspects of Dental
Materials: Theory Practice and Cases, 3rd Edition by Marcia A Gladwin RDH, EdD
Michael Bagby DDS, PhD
ISBN: 0781764890 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third Edition edition (March 1, 2008)
$52.89 Paperback 481 pages, 490 illustrations
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This book is also in the Dental Materials section
Description of Book:
Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials provides dental hygiene students
with a practical understanding of dental materials and materials
science. Part I, Theoretical Perspectives, covers the basics,
science, and theory of dental materials. Part II,
Laboratory/Clinical Applications, relates materials science to
clinical dental hygiene practice. Part III, Case Studies, presents
cases that help students integrate other dental hygiene knowledge
with materials science.
This Third Edition has a full-color insert containing photographs
with descriptive captions. Two new chapters have been added:
"Finishing and Polishing Composite Restorations" and "Tips for the
New Hygienist". New review questions designed for course and
national boards review have been added to Parts I and II.
Clinical Companion Study Guide for Mosby's Dental Hygiene: Concepts, Cases and Competencies,
2nd Edition By Susan J. Daniel, RDH, BS D.A.T.E., MS, Sherry A. Harfst, RDH, BSDH, MS, Rebecca Wilder, RDH, BSDH, MS, Bonnie Francis, RDH, MS and Shannon H. Mitchell, RDH, MS
ISBN: 0323045340 Publisher:
Mosby; 2 edition (October 24, 2007)
$29.95 Paperback: 288 pages
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Description of Book:
This study guide companion to Mosby's Dental Hygiene: Concepts, Cases,
and Competencies, 2nd Edition draws the student in using a friendly
question and answer format that explains "how's," "what's,"
"where's," and "why's" of the content. The answers to these
questions tie into features from the main text including the Insight
Statement, Learning Outcomes, Case Studies, and Case Applications.
Review Questions and answers as well as Critical Thinking Activity
Worksheets encourage students to practice their knowledge and skills
after reading the text chapter and to prepare for exams.
Clinical Practice of the Dental
Hygienist (11th Edition) by E M Wilkins
ISBN 1608317188
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Eleventh, North American Edition (January 30, 2012)
$104.30 1264 pages Hardcover
Book Description Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist is the cornerstone text in almost every dental hygiene education program. Written by one of the preeminent voices in dental hygiene education, this text provides students and practitioners with the knowledge and skills for successful practice as a dental hygienist. This comprehensive book progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward, outline format, making information easy to locate, understand, and reference.
Clinical Practice of the Dental
Hygienist (10th Edition) by Esther M Wilkins BS, RDH, DMD
Charlotte Wyche RDH,MS
ISBN 0781763223
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 10th Edition (February 1, 2008)
$71.21 1216 pages, 530 illustrations Hardcover
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Book Description The cornerstone text of almost every dental hygienist's library is
now in its thoroughly updated Tenth Edition. Written in a
straightforward, concise outline format, this text equips students
and practitioners with the clinical and educational skills needed
for successful practice. Features includes full-color artwork and
photographs, case-based exercises, procedure boxes, and ethics
boxes. The Tenth Edition presents the latest technical advances and
research findings and includes a new chapter on teeth whitening,
plus new sections on cultural competence, detailed home visit,
street drugs, and indices for early childhood caries and root
A bound-in CD-ROM includes clinical video clips, an audio
pronunciation glossary, and board case style questions with
Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 10th Edition (Student Workbook) by Charlotte Wyche RDH, MS and Esther M Wilkins BS, RDH, DMD
ISBN: 0781764521
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 10 Stu Wkb edition (March 1, 2008
$28.95 456 pages 100 illustrations
Book Description This workbook provides a range of exercises to reinforce students'
understanding of key concepts and strengthen the foundation they'll
need in dental hygiene practice. The progression of exercises
encourages students to master fundamental concepts, build
competency, and gain the ability to think critically. Some of the
exercises will help the student practice making patient care
This edition uses more patient case studies as the basis for
exercises, and includes a "Questions Patients Ask" feature with
guidelines on how to respond. An evidence-based primer outlines the
basics of providing evidence-based dental hygiene care.
Student Workbook for Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist by Charlotte Wyche and Esther
M. Wilkins
ISBN: 1608317293
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third edition (January 19, 2012) $32.62 (Price may vary) 496 pages Paperback
Reinforce your understanding of key concepts and strengthen the
foundation you'll need in dental hygiene practice with this valuable Student Workbook to Accompany Clinical Practice of the Dental
Hygienist. This workbook provides a range of exercises that will
help you expand and strengthen your skills. Some of the exercises will
help you to practice making patient care decisions. You will learn to
master fundamental concepts, build competency, and gain the ability to
think critically. Finally, you will progress to the stage of
discovery, in which you can apply what you have learned as you gather
new information about dental hygiene practice.
Complete Review for Dental
Hygiene by Jacqueline N. Brian, LDH, MsEd
and Mary Danusis Cooper, RDH, MSEd
ISBN: 0130833282 Publisher: Prentice Hall, July 2001
$48.29 612 pages Paperback with CD-ROM
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Book Description: This book is written to provide a review for preparation for dental
hygiene board examinations, and reflects
the most recent changes made by the American Dental Association Joint Commission
on National Dental Examinations. There is a comprehensive collection of review questions,
with an emphasis on case studies, and an accompanying CD-ROM. Complete Review will give you a critical edge in
preparing for the National Board Examination.
Concepts in Dental Public Health by Jill Mason MPH, RDH
ISBN 1582558418 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Second edition (February 1, 2010)
$53.75 368 pages 60 illustrations Paperback
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Book Description:
Written specifically for dental hygienists, this comprehensive textbook covers concepts, issues, techniques, and methods related to dental public health. It focuses on the assessment of factors that affect oral health of populations and the development of policy in response to a population's needs. It also provides information regarding the active promotion of oral health maintenance.
This text is unique in that it applies the Dental Hygiene Process of Care - a globally accepted, foundational concept in clinical care for dental hygienists - to the subject of dental public health, lending it greater relevance and familiarity to dental hygiene students. In addition, the text is based on the American Association of Dental Educators' Competencies for Dental Hygienists. A chapter on National Board Preparation, including Board-style review questions, prepares students for the national exam. Review questions and learning activities are also incorporated into each chapter.
Harty's Dental Dictionary (3rd Edition) by F J Harty
ISBN 0443102538 Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition (June 21, 2007)
$61.95 336 pages Hardcover
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Book Description:
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. A new edition of a well-known dental dictionary, suitable for dental students, dental nurses and dental practice secretaries.
A comprehensive dictionary of the complete range of dental terminology
Line diagrams illustrated selected definitions.
Useful appendices cover such things as dental instruments, development and eruption of teeth etc.
Cottone's Practical Infection Control in Dentistry by John A Molinari PhD and Jennifer A Harte DDS, MS
ISBN 0781765323 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (January 1, 2009)
$49.95 400 pages Paperback This book is also listed in the
Dental Assisting and Clinical Dentistry & Treatment Planning
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Book Description:
Now in
its Third Edition, this book is a primary, comprehensive infection
control text for students in the dental professions. Using the
latest scientific and clinical evidence and current infection
control guidelines, the book presents easy-to-follow protocols as
components of a basic infection control routine. This Third Edition
has been thoroughly updated and contains more photographs and
tables. A glossary of terminology and acronyms appears at the
beginning of each chapter.
Demystifying Smiles:
Strategies for the Dental Team by Kristine A. Hodsdon, Bobbi Anthony, Randy
ISBN: 0878148507 Publisher: Pennwell, Jan. 2003
$49.00 Softcover 281 pages This book is also listed in the
Practice Management-Marketing and Cosmetic Dentistry sections.
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Book Description: This book is written to help the entire dental team prepare itself
for delivering cosmetic dentistry.
"Wow! It looks like dental hygiene has a new "super
star/mentor!"--Woody Oakes, DDS, FAES, Excellence in Dentistry
"It's a great book on many levels—professionally and
personally."--Therese M. Mainella, Marketing Manager
Dental Hygiene Board Review by Christina B. Debiase,
BSDH, MA, EdD;(Editor)
ISBN: 0683306693 Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Nov. 2001
$13.50 (Price may vary) 614 pages Hardcover plus CD-ROM
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description:
This exhaustive book and the accompanying CD-ROM will help
prepare you for national hygiene board examinations. It covers the entire range
of basic sciences and dental hygiene, featuring case studies and multiple-choice questions that simulate the
National Board Examinations. Answers are explained. All subject
areas of the exam are covered: anatomy, physiology,
nutrition, microbiology, pharmacology, and radiography.
Explanations are enhanced with B&w photos
and radiographs. The CD- ROM contains a simulated
exam. The author is a professor and director of the Division of
Dental Hygiene at West Virginia University's School of Dentistry.
Dental Hygiene: The Pulse of
the Practice
by Cynthia McKane-Wagester, RDH,
ISBN: 087814711X
Publisher: Pennwell Books, May 2002
$74.00 (Price may vary) 220 pages Hardcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description: This book shows how
to breathe new life into the hygiene department of a dental practice.
It will teach you how to increase the
hygiene department’s production as much as 50% per month, boost the
number of hygiene appointments beyond your most optimistic estimates,
and improve case acceptance percentages for the entire practice. A
hygiene department that offers nothing beyond tooth cleaning is
neither productive nor profitable. Implement the recommended steps,
and see how your hygiene department can become “the pulse of the
practice,” generating quality dentistry that is far beyond the
traditional scope––and ahead of the competition.
Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
By Michele Leonardi Darby, BSDH, MS and Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD
ISBN: 1416053573
Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (March 24, 2009)
$71.21 1296 pages Hardcover
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Book Description: Comprehensive and up to date, this practical textbook offers
complete coverage of today’s dental hygiene skills and theories –
all based on the Human Needs Model for better hygienist/patient
communication. With a strong focus on clinical application, each
section closely follows the critical thinking and clinical
assessment approach that a hygienist must use in the classroom,
clinic, and practice. Clinical competencies at the beginning of each
chapter provide a clear, quick overview of exactly what you need to
know, and procedure boxes with detailed steps and rationales ensure
that you understand the reasoning behind each step in the
competencies. In addition, new chapters on caries risk assessment
and the oral-systemic health connection keep you up to date with
today’s major areas of research.
Dental Hygiene - Text and E-Book Package: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
By Michele Leonardi Darby, BSDH, MS and Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD
ISBN: 1437704441 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (May 26, 2009)
$142.00 Hardcover
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Book Description: This money-saving package is a must-have for students! It includes
Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 3rd edition and an electronic
version of the textbook that allows students to search, highlight
information, take notes, share notes and more. This package makes it
simple for students to make the most of their study time and get
more use out of their textbooks!
Dental Hygiene - Text and Procedures Manual Package: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
By Michele Leonardi Darby, BSDH, MS and Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD
ISBN: 1416062580 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (April 21, 2009)
$110.00 1276 pages Hardcover
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Book Description: This money-saving package includes Dental Hygiene - Text and
Procedures Manual.
The Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care (Evolve Learning System Courses) (Paperback) By Cynthia A. Stegeman, RDH, MEd, RD, LD, CDE and Judi Ratliff Davis, MS, CNSD, RD, LD
ISBN 1416063986 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (March 24, 2009)
$52.15 464 pages Paperback
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Book Description:
The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Nutritional Care, 3rd Edition, is
specifically tailored to address relevant nutritional concerns for
practicing hygienists and dental hygiene students. Authored by a
team of leading dietitians and dental hygienists, the text provides
you with a balanced and comprehensive view of the field. Besides
offering basic nutritional advice relevant for dental hygienists, it
also covers current nutritional concerns, such as high-protein diets
and bottled water versus tap water, and fully incorporates the most
recent MyPyramid recommendations from the 2005 Dietary Guidelines
for Americans. The full-color text is packed with study aids such as
Key Terms and Learning Objectives, and the online Evolve website
provides interactive learning activities. The Dental Hygienist’s
Guide to Nutritional Care really has it all.
The Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care - Text and E-Book Package, 3rd Edition By Cynthia A. Stegeman, RDH, MEd, RD, LD, CDE
ISBN 1437707254 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (April 8, 2009)
$86.95 Paperback
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Book Description:
This money-saving package is a must-have for students! It includes The
Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care, 3rd edition and an
electronic version of the textbook that allows students to search,
highlight information, take notes, share notes and more. This
package makes it simple for students to make the most of their study
time and get more use out of their textbooks!
The Dental Hygienist's Guide to
Nutritional Care by Judi Ratliff Davis
0721650147 Publisher: W B Saunders Co,
March 1998
$1.46 (Price may vary) 457 pages Paperback
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description:
A dental hygienist can help his or her patients prevent dental disease
by helping them understand nutrition. The Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care covers
the food pyramid and Dietary Guidelines for Americans; explains
the functions of vitamins and minerals, and identifies
the nutritional problems that may be behind dental disease. It
examines a variety of cultural food patterns to help you provide
appropriate nutritional counseling for patients of all ages and
backgrounds. Additionally, it discusses how to deal with common nutrition-related
conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis; includes case studies
and care plans to demonstrate how to integrate nutrition concepts into
daily patient care. Well illustrated and clearly presented with color photographs, crisp figures, and descriptive tables.
Diet and Nutrition
in Oral Health (2nd Edition) by Carole Palmer, EdD, RDH
ISBN: 013171757X Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 edition (November 9, 2006)
$68.96 512 pages Paperback
Description: This book can serve as a quick reference and/or as a clinical manual to enable you to answer patient questions and to integrate nutrition into clinical practice as comfortably as you would fluoride and other preventive modalities. This book can also be used as a text, by reading the chapters and answering the questions posed in case studies to test understanding. For diet screening and guidance the book can also be used as a "how-to" manual. Finally, the book can be used as a reference, by referring to those chapters relating to specific nutrition topics, life cycle groups, or health-related conditions, and referring to the last chapter and the appendic for helpful resources.
Elements of Dental Materials: For
Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants by Ralph W. Phillips, B. Keith
Moore, PhD, Katharine A. Phillips
ISBN 0721642985
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Co., 1994
$7.81 (Price may vary) Softcover 328 pages This book is also listed under
dental assisting and dental materials. Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description:
Phillips and Moore have now revised
and updated this immensely helpful reference to reflect changes in
the way in which dentistry is practiced, as well as the vast recent
advances in dental materials science. New and expanded coverage
prepares the reader for today's materials and procedures, including
castable ceramics, computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM)
of ceramic restorations, implant materials and types, inelastic and
elastomeric impression materials, direct filling restorative resins,
dental cements - and much more!
Essentials of Dental Caries: the
Disease and Its Management by E A M Kidd & S
ISBN 0198529783 Publisher:
Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition (June 30, 2005)
(Price may vary)
Book Description:
Dental caries is a process which may take place on any tooth surface in the oral cavity where dental plaque is allowed to develop over a period of time. The new edition of this popular, clinically relevant book provides the biological background required by dentistry students in order to take the science of cariology to the chairside in the management of patients. It describes the cause of caries and its progression in enamel and dentine. Methods of prevention including plaque control, use of fluoride and dietary control are described. The indications for operative management are covered, as well as how to teach patients their essential role in caries control.
Illustrated in full colour and written in an accessible style, this book will appeal to dental students as well as dental nurses, dental health educators, hygienists, and therapists. It will also be of use to scientists working in the field of clinical cariology and to qualified dentists who wish to update their knowledge.
Essentials of Dental Radiography (9th Edition) by Orlen N. Johnson and
Evelyn Thomson
ISBN: 0138019398 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 9 edition (February 13, 2011)
$69.31 456 pages Paperback
This book is also in the dental hygiene and radiology sections
Description: Revised and updated to include the latest trends in research and clinical methods, the seventh edition of Essentials of Dental Radiography for Dental Assistants and Hygienists presents a clearly written treatment of one of the most important techniques used in dental diagnosis. Providing a balance of both essential fundamental theories and the day-to-day clinical procedures practiced in the office, it is an in-depth introduction to dental radiography.
Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene (3rd Edition) by Vickie L. Kimbrough, RDH, MBA and Charla Lautar,
ISBN: 0131394924 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (January 14, 2011)
$52.29 (Price may vary) 240 pages Paperback
Book Description:
A successful dental hygienist requires a complete understanding of how ethical issues interrelate to knowledge of the latest advances in practice management. Appropriate for use in ethics and jurisprudence courses, practice management and seminar courses or as a resource for practicing hygienists, Ethics & Practice Management in Dental Hygiene provides a current and comprehensive overview.
Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition (Paperback) By Phyllis L. Beemsterboer, RDH, MS, EdD
ISBN: 1416062351 Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (March 10, 2009)
$40.45 272 pages Paperback
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Book Description:
Learn how to make sound ethical and legal decisions in practice with
ETHICS AND LAW IN DENTAL HYGIENE, Second Edition. This book is
written in the context of "real-world" situations that you will
encounter on a regular basis in dental hygiene practice. The book is
divided into three sections: ethics, law, and simulations and
applications. The latter section contains 25 case studies with
accompanying discussion and thought questions, along with testlets
that mirror the style of the newly revised National Board Dental
Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) and suggested activities. Appendixes
include the recently revised American Dental Association (ADA) and
American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA) respective codes of
ethics, making this the most up-to-date ethics book for dental
hygiene currently on the market. With this expert guidance, you’ll
be prepared to take the NBDHE and address ethical dilemmas in
everyday practice.
Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene - Text and E-Book package, 2nd Edition By Phyllis L. Beemsterboer, RDH, MS, EdD
ISBN: 1437707025 Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (March 27, 2009)
$66.95 Paperback
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Book Description:
This money-saving package is a must-have for students! It includes
Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene, 2nd edition and an electronic
version of the textbook that allows students to search, highlight
information, take notes, share notes and more. This package makes it
simple for students to make the most of their study time and get
more use out of their textbooks!
Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist
by Jill S Nield-Gehrig and Donald E Willmann
ISBN: 1605475734 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third edition (January 3, 2011),
Jan. 2007
$64.67 704 pages Paperback
Includes CD-ROM
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This is a primary course textbook providing a comprehensive and easy-to-understand presentation of periodontics for dental hygiene students. The text focuses on the hygienist's role in periodontal therapy and makes effective use of an instructional design that facilitates teaching and learning the material without watering it down. Rather than traditional narrative, the author uses a detailed outline format to present content, making the information easier to read, understand, and reference. The author also integrates an evidence-based approach, which is increasingly important in the field of dental hygiene.
General and Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienists
by Leslie DeLong RDH, MHA and Nancy Burkhart RDH, BS, MEd, EdD
ISBN: 0781755468 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Pap/Onl edition (October 1, 2007)
$81.95 576 pages 400 illustrations Paperback
(This book is also located in the oral pathology section.)
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This text teaches dental hygiene students the essential information
they need to visually examine and recognize oral disease in
practice. The General Pathology section covers the major
determinants of disease and the body systems as they are covered
when taking a patient's medical history. The Oral Pathology section
is organized according to characteristics of lesions, so students
learn to recognize lesions by appearance and differentiate between
similar lesions.
More than 400 detailed photographs and illustrations help students
identify lesions. Clinical examples and case studies are included.
Distinctive clinical features of lesions are accompanied by lists of
associated diseases.
Heinemann Dental Dictionary (4th Edition) J E H Fairpo, C G Fairpo
ISBN 0750622083
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Medical, Jan. 1997
$49.95 347 pages Softcover
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Book Description: A compact dictionary
has been an authoritative reference for dentists, hygienists, and
students in related
fields for a generation. Completely revised, this new edition reflects
the wealth of new dental terms that have emerged in recent
The Hygiene Professional: A Partner in Dentistryby Sandra Senzon
ISBN 0878147659 Publisher: Pennwell Books; 1 edition (July 1999)
$29.00 220 pages Hardcover
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Book Description: In an era in which women are discovering increasing opportunities for career fulfillment, dental hygiene remains a restricted career path. Burnout is common; career change is frequent.
In her premier text, RDH and entrepreneur Sandra Senzon shares her journey to personal and career self-fulfillment and suggests ways in which hygienists can become full-fledged business partners in dentistry through independent practice. Drawing on experts in the field and her own experiences, she demonstrates in practical, readable terms how hygienists can truly become full partners in dentistry! The text also features clinical procedures and unique applications of alternative treatments to enable hygienists to treat the "whole patient": in a holistic manner.
Illustrated Anatomy of the Head
and Neck (4rd Edition)
by Margaret J. Fehrenbach, Susan W. Herring, Pat
Thomas (Illustrator) ISBN 978-1-4377-2419-6 Publisher: WB
Saunders, 2012 $68.24 (paperback)
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Book description: Featuring a robust collection of full-color illustrations and photographs, Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 4th Edition, provides a complete look at head and neck anatomy, with an emphasis on the specific anatomy of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Chapters are organized by anatomical systems, including one covering the anatomical basis of local anesthesia and another on the spread of dental infection. Written by educators Margaret Fehrenbach and Susan Herring, this edition adds new illustrations and cutting-edge, evidence-based information on topics such as caries risk, periodontal disease, local anesthesia administration, and infection control. Combine this book with Bath-Balogh & Fehrenbach's Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, and you will gain the basic scientific knowledge needed for everyday clinical dental practice.
Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck - Text and E-Book Package, 3rd Edition By Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS and Susan W. Herring, PhD
ISBN 1437702813 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (July 11, 2006) $98.95 341 pages Paperback Free Shipping!
Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals by Kathy Bassett and Arthur DiMarco
ISBN: 013158930X Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 Pap/Pas edition (September 4, 2009)
$65.65 464 pages, Paperback (This book can also be
found in the Anesthesia & Sedation section)
Free Shipping!
Book Description: Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals is designed to
meet the requirements of comprehensive courses in local anesthesia
for both dental hygiene and dental programs. It includes extensive
ancillary student and instructor resources including clearly stated
objectives for each chapter, easy-to-reference tables, relevant case
studies, question and answer banks, and laboratory skill
assessments. In addition to separate chapters on topical
anesthetics, dose considerations, inadequate anesthesia, specialty
factors, and anatomic factors, this text includes troubleshooting
factors and considerations specific to each technique.
Love is the Best
Medicine: For Dental Patients and the Dental Team by Donald M. Dible and Richard H. Madow
ISBN: 0971314802 Publisher: DMD House, Oct. 2001
$0.01 (Price may vary) 336 pages, Paperback
Out of Print. Click the
Amazon "buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description: "Love Is the Best Medicine™ for Dental Patients and the Dental
Team," is the sequel to "Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul."
"Love Is the Best Medicine™ for Dental Patients and the Dental Team" is for:
Patients who love their dentists/ dental hygienists/ dental assistants/ front
desk staff • Dental chickens • Anybody who has ever been to the dentist •
Anybody who should go to the dentist but keeps procrastinating • Dental
hygienists, dental assistants, dentists, and business staff • People who brush and floss
regularly • People who need to brush and floss regularly than they do • People who
just love great stories about real people.
Medical Emergencies in the Dental
Office (6th Edition)
by S F Malamed ISBN 032304235X Publisher:
C.V. Mosby, Feb. 2007 $70.59 568 pages, 220 illus Softcover
Free shipping!
Book Description: This is "the standard" textbook on dental office
DENTAL OFFICE prepares the dental team for recognizing and managing medical
emergencies and minimizing their danger. It emphasizes the prevention of
emergencies. It is organized to address specific types of emergencies: unconsciousness,
respiratory difficulty, altered consciousness, seizures, drug-related
emergencies, chest pain, and cardiac arrest. It is particularly helpful because
it is organized around signs
and symptoms, and then presents the appropriate management in a clear, step-by-step
fashion. A helpful appendix provides seven algorithms as a quick
reference for life-threatening situations.
Medical Emergencies: Essentials for the Dental Professional by Ellen B. Grimes
ISBN 0131718770 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition (January 24, 2008) $43.60 312 pages
Paperback (This book can also be found in the Dental
Emergencies section) Free Shipping!
Book Description:
Medical Emergencies: Essentials for the Dental Professional discusses
the essential elements of 25 different medical emergencies that may
be encountered by the dental professional including their etiology,
signs/symptoms and treatment. The case scenarios and resolutions
presented in each chapter are the key feature of the text enhancing
the critical thinking and problem solving abilities of the reader.
The text also includes information on the importance of the medical
history and vital signs to the prevention of emergencies, as well as
the development of an appropriate medical emergency kit should an
emergency occur.
Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, 7th Edition by Michele Leonardi Darby
ISBN: 0323079636 Publisher: Mosby; 7 edition (October 18, 2011)
$56.85 (Price may vary) 1040 pages Paperback
Recommended for preparing for hygiene boards
Description of book from the publisher:
Your one-stop review for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE), Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, 7th Edition is the most trusted review and study tool on the market. A total of 2,500 review questions including four online timed practice exams -- all with answers and rationales for remediation -- make this book stand out as a student favorite. Already known for its in-depth coverage, an easy-to-use outline format, and expert authorship, this review parallels the NBDHE with case studies, the "testlet" format for community health and research content, an emphasis on computer-based testing, and coverage of dynamic areas such as infection control and local anesthesia administration. Expert author Michele Darby provides the NBDHE review tool you cannot afford to be without!
Mosby's Dental Dictionary by Penny Rudolph (Editor), Thomas
Zwemer, Mary Emmons
032304963X Publisher CV Mosby, Oct. 2007 $35.94 816 pages, more than 300 full color illus, Softcover
Free shipping!
Description: This contemporary, comprehensive dictionary of over 800 pages includes
definitions for more than 10,000 terms related
to all areas of dentistry; basic, clinical, and behavioral sciences; office
management, and commonly used medical terms. The accompanying
CD-ROM provides a searchable database and audio pronunciations.
Mosby's Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition - Concepts, Cases, and Competencies By Susan J. Daniel, RDH, BS D.A.T.E., MS, Sherry A. Harfst, RDH, BSDH, MS and Rebecca Wilder, RDH, BSDH, MS
0323043526 Publisher: Mosby; 2 edition (October 24, 2007) $76.91
1040 pages Hardcover
Free shipping!
Description: Focusing on skills for everyday practice, this full-color
textbook/CD-ROM learning package makes it easy to master dental
hygiene concepts. The text presents essential dental hygiene
information in a logical sequence from setup to assessment to
treatment. The CD includes “how-to” videos on procedures and
techniques, along with many case studies and interactive exercises.
You won't just understand key concepts, you'll learn how to apply
Not Just the Cleaning Lady:
A Hygienist's Guide to Survival
by Catherine A. Schmidt, RDH
ISBN: 0878146725 Publisher: Pennwell, Jan. 1998
$4.23 (Price may vary) Softcover 168 pages Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Description: This book is directed toward both fresh and seasoned hygienists,
and is written to help you cope with the complexities of life in a dental practice. Author Catherine Schmidt, in a very lively
tone, addresses such issues as professionalism, critical issues of
OSHA and
infection control, insurance basics,
expanded functions (such as giving injections), employment options,
computerization, and more.
Nutrition for a Healthy Mouth
by Rebecca Sroda RDH, MS
ISBN: 0781798256 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Second Edition edition (March 1, 2009)
$57.95 Paperback 384 pages 56 illustrations Free Shipping!
(This book is also located in the dental assistants page.)
Description: Written specifically for dental hygiene and dental assisting
students and practitioners, this text provides a solid foundation in
basic nutrition and diet information, emphasizes the relationship of
nutrition and diet to oral health, and provides information on
nutrition and dietary patient counseling. This Second Edition
includes new Food for Thought boxes that facilitate application of
chapter topics to the real-life setting. The Special Nutritional
Needs chapter has been expanded to include new material on patients
with cancer, patients with HIV, homeless patients, and substance
Oral Pathology for the Dental
Hygienist (4th Edition) by O A C Ibsen & J A Phelan
0721699464 Publisher: WB Saunders, March 2005
$81.95 395 pages Hardcover
(CD-ROM included)
Free shipping!
Book Description
This text
is written to help practicing hygienists and dental hygiene students
recognize oral pathological conditions in their patients. Often the
dental hygienist is the key person in intercepting critical diseases
with oral manifestations. Oral Pathology for the Dental
Hygienist focuses on topics that directly concern hygienists and
the role they play in oral
care. The included CD-ROM, new to this edition, works through case
studies with the hygienist.
Oral Pathology for the Dental
Hygienist (5th Edition) By Olga A. C. Ibsen, RDH, MS and Joan Andersen Phelan, DDS
ISBN 1416049916 Publisher: Saunders; 5 edition (October 28, 2008)
$71.36 400 pages Hardcover (This book is also in the oral
pathology page.)
CD ROM Included!
Free shipping!
Book Description
Learn how to recognize and evaluate the
diseases and conditions encountered in dental hygiene practice. Oral
Pathology for the Dental Hygienist delivers the ideal combination of
clinical photographs, radiographs, and discussion to help you
identify and document the appearance of normal and disease states.
This user-friendly, atlas-style text features 500 illustrations
(more than 350 in full color), including clinical photographs,
radiographs, photomicrographs, and line drawings, along with case
studies, review questions, and synopsis charts. The learning tools
and updated content of this text make it a valuable resource for
your coursework and exam preparation as well as a solid reference to
consult throughout your professional career.
Oral Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist (2nd Edition) By Mea A. Weinberg, Cheryl Westphal, James Burke Fine
ISBN 0132559927 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 edition (January 13, 2012)
$67.31 360 pages Paperpack (This book is also in the
Pharmacology page.)
Free shipping!
Book Description Oral Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, Second Edition, offers a comprehensive review of the principles of pharmacology and their application to dental hygiene practice. This practical textbook covers many oral manifestations of drugs of which the dental hygiene student should be aware. Quick drug guides, fun facts, and unique rapid dental hints in each chapter help students understand different pharmacologic principles while reinforcing key information. Case studies extensively review the medical conditions, potential drug interactions, and dental management of drug interactions.
Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist - Text and E-Book Package, 5th Edition By Olga A. C. Ibsen, RDH, MS and Joan Andersen Phelan, DDS
ISBN 1416069313 Publisher: Saunders; 5 edition (November 7, 2008)
$125.00 386 pages Hardcover (This book is also in the
oral pathology page.)
Free shipping!
Book Description
This money-saving package is a must-have for
students! It includes Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist, 5th
edition and an electronic version of the textbook that allows
students to search, highlight information, take notes, share notes
and more. This package makes it simple for students to make the most
of their study time and get more use out of their textbooks!
Patient Assessment Tutorials A Step-By-Step Guide for the Dental Hygienist By Jill S Nield-Gehrig RDH, MA
ISBN 0781799805
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Second Edition edition (March 1, 2009)
$64.75 736 pages 871 illustrations Spiralbound
Free shipping!
Book Description
The ability to perform and document patient
assessment procedures is vital to the practice of dental hygiene—a
complete and accurate assessment is the starting point to providing
thorough patient care. Make sure you are prepared for patient
assessment with this unique guide that takes you step-by-step
through each assessment procedure including techniques for
effectively communicating the assessment process and findings to
patients. Excellent features include detailed, full-color
illustrations and photographs to visually guide you through
procedures and techniques, case studies and personal accounts that
bring the content to life, and more.
Periodontal Instrumentation
(2nd Edition) by
Anna Matsuishi Pattison,
Gordon L. Pattison ISBN: 0838578047
Free shipping!
Book Description:
Peridontal Instrumentation, Second Edition, is the perfect "how-to"
manual for the practicing dental hygienist seeking to master basic and
advanced periodontal techniques, as well as the dental hygiene student
and dentist. In this second edition, the authors have built upon their
excellent coverage of basic instruments and skills, adding
state-of-the-art techniques that prepare the reader with the most up-to-date
coverage of periodontal instrumentation available.
Periodontology for the
Dental Hygienist, 3rd Edition
by Dorothy A. Perry (Editor) and Phyllis Beemsterboer (Editor)
ISBN: 1416001751 Publisher: W B Saunders, Oct. 2006
$55.87 429 pages Softcover
Free shipping!
Book Description: Periodontology for the Dental Hygienist contains the latest
information about the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal
diseases. It includes background epidemiological information. Also included is information about the healthy state,
host response, and dental plaque. Common periodontal surgical
procedures are described and provide an introduction to the role of
the dental hygienist in periodontal
Permar's Oral Embryology and Microscopic Anatomy
by Rudy C Melfi DDS, PhD and Keith E Alley DDS, PhD
ISBN: 0683306448 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 10 edition (April 15, 2000)
$48.94 332 pages 277 illustrations Paperback
Free shipping!
(This book can also be found in the dental assistants page)
Book Description:
Now in its Tenth Edition, Permar's Oral Embryology and Microscopic
Anatomy continues to provide comprehensive, yet concise coverage of
embryology and histology for dental hygiene and dental assisting
professions. It can also be used as an introductory text for dental
students. This text begins with the basics of general histology,
progresses through the development of the human embryo and fetus,
and concludes with a focus on the development of the face and oral
cavity. New to this edition are over 40 additional illustrations,
including four-color micrographs. High-quality images of microscopic
embryonic development and oral anatomy help students identify
histologic structures. A new chapter regarding salivary glands
includes information about remineralization, demineralization,
fluoride, bacterial diseases, and HIV. Clinical aspects of oral
tissue are covered to help readers expand their knowledge from basic
to clinical sciences and apply fundamental principles. Suggested
readings help readers find additional resources.
Practice Management for Dental Hygienists
by Esther Andrews CDA, RDA, RDH, MA
ISBN: 0781753597 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (September 1, 2006)
$50.95 372 pages 125 illustrations Paperback
Free shipping!
(This book can also be found in the practice management page)
Book Description:
This textbook prepares dental hygiene students and dental hygienists
to handle the business and operational aspects of the dental office.
The book teaches students how a dental office functions from an
operational standpoint and how dental hygienists, as licensed
professionals, fit into that operation. Major sections cover basics
of dentistry and dental law, office management, applied
communications, and employability skills.
To accommodate a two-credit course, the text is concise and focuses
on exercise-based learning. Each chapter includes workbook
exercises, study questions, critical thinking activities, case
studies, and RDH board practice questions, as well as selected
references, Websites, and student activities.
Prentice Hall Health's High
Yield Facts of Dental Hygiene by Demetra
Daskalos Logothetis
ISBN: 0130893072 Publisher: Prentice Hall, Sept. 2002
$44.60 608 pages Paperback
Free shipping!
Book Description: A unique resource for dental hygiene board review as well as a
valuable reference, this is the only dental review text in "flash-card" format. Focusing
on the essential, must-know information related to the concepts, theory and
content of dental hygiene, content is organized according specifications of the National Dental
Hygiene Board Examinations.
Primary Preventative Dentistry (8th Revised edition) by
Norman O. Harris and Dr. Franklin Garcia-Godoy
ISBN: 0132845709 Publisher: Pearson Educacion; 8th Revised edition edition (February 1, 2012)
$87.31 528 pages Hardcover
Book Description: Organized for consistency, coherence, and readability, this fully updated text covers all areas of prevention in dental care. PRIMARY PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY, 8/e first describes dental diseases and conditions, helping students clearly understand the processes that can be prevented through the use of preventive modalities or ideas. Next, it presents detailed strategies to prevent these diseases and conditions. Throughout, specific target populations are defined and described based upon scientifically valid preventive strategies aimed at their needs. This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights "fun facts" about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is supported by many new web-based review questions and case studies for each chapter.
Primary Preventative Dentistry (7th Edition) by
Norman O. Harris, Franklin Garcia-Godoy and Christine Nielsen Nathe
ISBN: 0132412233 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 7 edition (September 10, 2008)
$66.54 552 pages Paperback Free Shipping!
Book Description: A landmark text, Primary Preventive Dentistry
comprehensively presents the science and practice of preventive
assessment and treatment modalities of preventive dental care. This
seventh edition strives to enhance the readability of this book for
dental hygiene and dental students. Moreover, the website has been
enhanced to provide further opportunities for student study and case
studies are available for student’s comprehension of total care. The
book is sequenced in four units to further organize the material for
reader understanding and comprehension.
Procedures Manual to Accompany Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice (Spiral-bound) By Michele Leonardi Darby, BSDH, MS and Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD
ISBN: 1416061002 Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition (April
15, 2009)
$35.95 424 pages Spiral-bound Free Shipping!
Book Description: TReinforce your classroom knowledge and learn to perform clinical
procedures with ease and accuracy. THE PROCEDURES MANUAL TO
descriptions with information about the materials and equipment
necessary to carry out the procedures. Rationales are included to
ensure that you comprehend the science behind each step of the
procedure. The manual also includes client education handouts and
helpful tables and lists covering assessment, evaluation, and
general client care. You’ll want to keep this book by your side as a
quick reference in clinics and as a refresher once you start your
Review for Dental Hygiene by Caren M.
Barnes, RDH, MS and Michelle L. Sensat, RDH, MS
ISBN: 083850342X Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2002
304 pages Softcover
Free shipping!
Book Description: This book is specifically designed to help students prepare for the National Dental Hygiene
Board Examinations. It provides a comprehensive—yet
concise—subject-by-subject question-based review and includes 1,280 questions along with answers, detailed explanations,
subspecialty lists, case studies, reference citations. The accompanying CD-ROM
simulates the board exam.
Radiographic Imaging for the Dental Team, 4e by D A Miles, M L van Dis, C W Jensen & A
B Ferretti
ISBN 1416060049 Publisher: Saunders; 4 edition (November 3, 2008)
$76.95 352
pages Softcover
Free shipping!
Book Description:
Fully revised and up to date, the 4th edition of this trusted, all-in-one work-text helps you effectively acquire, process, and review dental radiographs and ensure successful patient outcomes. Learn and apply essential imaging techniques with ease while staying up-to-date on the latest technology and the most current practices in dental radiography. Concise, easy-to-read chapters detail the complete spectrum of radiographic imaging, supported by valuable review material to help you solidify your understanding of key concepts and prepare for professional success!
Radiology for Dental Auxiliaries, 9e by Herbert H. Frommer
ISBN: 0323005209 Publisher: Mosby; 9 edition (March 15, 2010)
$66.97 (Price may vary) 552 pages
Book Description: A complete guide to radiology principles and techniques, Radiology for the Dental Professional, 9th Edition helps you develop imaging skills through practical application. Detailed step-by-step procedures demonstrate proper techniques; photos and illustrations improve comprehension and readability. Written by Herbert H. Frommer, DDS, and Jeanine J. Stabulas, RDH, BS, MPH, this book will help you interpret radiographs, and troubleshoot and prevent common errors. For students, it's an ideal introduction to radiology; for dental hygiene/assisting professionals, it's a great review!
Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists by Ellen Roberta Dietz, Raula Badavinac
ISBN: 0766826600 Publisher: Delmar Learning, Dec. 2001
$92.95 368 pages Paperback
Free shipping!
From Book News, Inc.
This book explains disease prevention in the dental office and safety
standards. It explains governmental guidelines and regulations,
infection control techniques, and office communications regarding infection control.
The text includes chapter quizzes and illustrated boxes
detailing steps of many procedures. The text is especially useful for dental
hygienists preparing for certification board exams. Dietz is the author of
eight books on dental assisting. Badavinac is a dental hygiene
instructor at Lake Superior College as well as a practicing dental hygienist.
Saunders Review of Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition bBy Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS and Jane Weiner, RDH
ISBN: 1416062556 Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (December 16, 2008)
$54.85 640 pages Paperback Free Shipping!
Description of Book Be prepared to take your national board with this full-length
simulation of the NBDH exam. This bestselling resource now reflects
the new case-based format of the national exam along with content
that covers new guidelines, especially in the areas of infection
control and pharmacology. As you prepare and practice for your exam,
you will find multiple ways to study with over 60 clinical case
studies, and 1,500 plus questions. The accompanying CD-ROM includes
an electronic, simulated exam as well as other interactive-review
activities, such as crossword puzzles and word finds.
Saunders Review of Dental Hygiene - Text and E-Book Package (Paperback) By Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS and Jane Weiner, RDH, BS Candidate
ISBN: 1437706401 Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (March 10, 2009)
$88.95 622 pages Paperback
Free Shipping!
Description of Book By Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS, Dental
Hygienist, Educational Consultant,Dental Science Technical Writer,
Seattle WA; and Jane Weiner, RDH, BS Candidate,
Owner, Jane Weiner,RDH,Board Reviews,Inc., Faculty and Staff, NOVA
Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine, Fort Lauderdale,
SUCCESS! in Dental Hygiene By Demetra Daskalos Logothetis, RDH, MS
ISBN: 0131717510 Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 Pap/Cdr edition (October 12, 2008)
$36.54 1280 pages Paperback
Free Shipping!
Description of Book Part of PearsonHealth Science SUCCESS! Series, this review
book provides comprehensive, information on all the unique needs of
a Dental Hygienist . Organized by key content areas, it combines
authoritative information in an outline format with an exam-style
question and answer review for the best preparation. A CD-ROM is
also included and offers additional exam practice. This book will
help all users achieve SUCCESS! on their exam and on the job.
The SUCCESS! exam preparation system is a tremendous method for
improving pass rates in many health professions from Dental Hygiene
to Nursing. We invite you to use our exam preparation system and
Williams & Wilkins' Dental
Hygiene Handbook by K H Alvarez
ISBN 068330089x
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, May 1998
$6.08 (Price may vary) 627 pages Paperback
Out of Print. Click the
Amazon "buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description:
This is a pocket-sized yet comprehensive resource and reference guide
to help the practicing dental hygienist review procedures as needed.
It is written for experienced dental hygienists.
Halftone illustrations and line drawings. Written in outline format for quick
reference, it contains valuable information on many topics including
infection control and the special needs patient.
Want used books? Just click the "buy" link for any book and you will be
led to information about the availability of used books or used textbooks
for sale, if any used copies are available.
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