Books/Surgical Endodontics
For your convenience, all books are in alphabetical order by title. Click
here for patient information about endodontics or root canal treatments.
Color Atlas of
By William T. Johnson
ISBN:0721690300 Publisher: W B Saunders, March 2002
$403.09 (Prices may vary) 224 pages 575 illus
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Book Description: This resource presents both surgical and nonsurgical
aspects of endodontics. It includes the very latest materials and methods
of endodontic treatment. These are explained thoroughly and
effectively. This comprehensive text makes generous use
of illustrations, many in full color, to explain the techniques
presented. Key topics covered include diagnosis,
access openings, determination of working length, instrumentation, obturation,
nonsurgical and surgical retreatment of failed cases, flap design, root-end
resection, crypt management, apical filling, and post and core placement
Color Atlas of
Microsurgery in Endodontics
By Syngcuk Kim, Gabriele Pecora, and Richard A. Rubenstein
ISBN:0721648517 Publisher: W B Saunders, Nov. 2000
$731.68 (Prices may vary) 192 pages 324 ills Hardcover
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Book Description: Dr. Syngcuk Kim is a world leader in microsurgical endodontic
techniques. Here he introduces recent endodontic advances, showcasing
developments in microsurgical
techniques and instrumentation. The book is a full-color reference with
380 brilliant illustrations. Topics included are a comparison of
traditional surgery and microsurgery in endodontics, microsurgical
instruments, operation of the microscope, soft tissue management, and
retropreparation. The book presents actual case histories.
Book Description: The key factors to successful endodontic surgery—vision and
precision—are now readily attainable, thanks to the advent of the
operating microscope. As always, however, the success or failure of
treatment ultimately depends on the skill and knowledge of the
clinician. Drawing on more than 15 years of experience, the author
of this step-by-step approach to endodontic microsurgery patiently
guides the reader through each phase of treatment: anesthesia, flap
design and execution, osteotomy window creation, curettage,
hemostasis, apicoectomy, ultrasonic retrocavity preparation, drying,
obturation, and suturing. He also offers an in-depth explanation of
the features, parts, and accessories of the operating microscope for
effective use in the dental office, along with discussions of
presurgical and postsurgical considerations, periodontal
regeneration techniques, endo-perio relationships, and placement of
immediate implants when the tooth cannot be saved. An excellent
resource for endodontic specialists in search of a comprehensive and
contemporary guide to effective microsurgical endodontic treatment.
Endodontic Surgery
by C
R Stockdale ISBN 1850970203 Publisher:
Quintessence, Nov. 1992 $53.47 (Prices may vary) Out of Print.
Click the Amazon "buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description: This work presents the
subject of endodontic surgery in a simplified, easy-to-understand
way and to fully explain the possibilities it
offers the patient. The book also deals with endodontic
surgery failures, the reasons it occurs and ways to minimize
Therapy by Franklin S. Weine
ISBN: 0323019439 Publisher: CV Mosby, Aug. 2003
$18.84 used (Prices may vary) 640 pages, Hardcover
This book is currently unavailable. Click the Amazon "buy" link to buy used copies of this
Book Description: This book is especially directed at general practitioners who
wishe to expand their practice by offering more root canal procedures.
From renowned dental endodontic educator, Dr.
Franklin Weine, this valuable resource takes a clinical approach.
An extensive collection of "before and after" patient
cases are generously illustrated with radiographs — many of
which show 25 years posttreatment results. Offering the most relevant
information in a convenient size, this 6th edition includes recent major
changes in instruments, techniques in canal preparation, and the
advances in canal filling that have occurred.
Endodontics (3rd Edition)
by Christopher J. R. Stock, MSc, BDS, DGDP, Kishor Gulabivala, BDS,
MSc and Richard T. Walker, RD, PhD, BDS
ISBN: 0723432031 Publisher: Mosby, Ltd., Nov. 2004
$279.00 Hardcover: 336 pages
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Description: This book gives the latest information on endodontic instrumentation
and obturation techniques. The subject is clearly illustrated with 1600
illustrations, including color-coded line diagrams. Diagnostic and clinical
information is easy to follow in this logically organized text. A full chapter
is devoted to radiography, emphasizing its importance in both diagnosis and
Endodontics (4th Edition)
By Mahmoud Torabinejad, DMD, MSD, PhD and Richard E. Walton, DMD, MS
ISBN: 1416038515 Publisher: Saunders; 4 edition (March 10, 2008)
$98.54 Hardcover: 495 pages
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Description: ENDODONTICS: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, 4th Edition is an essential
scientific and clinical building block for understanding the
etiology and treatment of teeth with pulpal and periapical diseases.
You'll easily understand and learn procedures through step-by-step
explanations accompanied by full-color illustrations, as well as
video clips included on CD.
Essential Endodontology
by D Orstavik (Editor), T R Pitt-Ford (Editor) ISBN
0632040890 Publisher: Munksgaard International Publishers,
$127.39 (Prices may vary) Hardcover: 410 pages
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
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ISBN: 0632040890
Book Description: This text on endodontics has
been written by multiple authors, including some of the leading authorities in North
America, Europe, Scandinavia, etc. It is targeted at
postgraduates in specialist training courses, but should also be
useful to senior undergraduates and general practitioners seeking to expand
their practices. It
aims to address the scientific basis of endodontology rather than
didactic methods of treatment. Apical periodontitis is promoted as a
disease entity, with the etiology, prevention and treatment presented.
Harty's Endodontics in Clinical
Practice (6th Edition) by F J Harty & T R Pitt-Ford
0702031569 Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 6 edition (May 18, 2010),
February 2004 $91.75
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Book Description The length of training
for dental undergraduates has gradually been increased in order to strengthen
the scientific foundation of dentistry, which means that students are now
more analytical and prepared to question clinical procedures that are
not based on sound principles. Over the years Endodontics in
Clinical Practice has become accepted as an authoritative guide to
proven clinical practice. Although Endodontics is regarded as a
recognized specialty there will never be a sufficient number of
specialists to treat more than the most difficult cases. There
remains, therefore, a need for undergraduates to be taught practical
endodontics, and this manual has remained the
textbook of choice for many years. Regarded as a classic in its
field, Endodontics in Clinical Practice is written both for undergraduates
and general practitioners.
Pathways of the Pulp (10th Edition)
Stephen Cohen (Editor), Kenneth M. Hargreaves ISBN
Publisher: Mosby; 10 edition (May 24, 2010) $145.90
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Book Description
The definitive endodontics reference, Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp is known for its comprehensive coverage of leading-edge information, materials, and techniques. It examines all aspects of endodontic care, from preparing the clinician and patient for endodontic treatment to the role the endodontist can play in the treatment of traumatic injuries and to the procedures used in the treatment of pediatric and older patients. Not only does Hargreaves and Cohen's 10th edition add five chapters on hot new topics, it also includes online access! As an Expert Consult title, Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp lets you search the entire contents of the book on your computer, and includes five online chapters not available in the printed text, plus videos, a searchable image collection, and more. For evidence-based endodontics research and treatment, this is your one-stop resource!
Practical Lessons in Endodontic
Surgery by D E Arens, M Torabinejad, N Chivian & R
Rubinstein ISBN 0867153334 Publisher:
Quintessence, Aug. 1998 $89.00
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Synopsis This book focuses
on the successful management of endodontic surgery. Treatment of
common problems such as curved roots, accessory canals, resorptive
destruction - often requires going beyond conventional endodontic
therapy to a surgical approach. The text presents
procedures and techniques for both
beginners and experienced practitioners, and is written to be
useful for any
skilled clinician. Every aspect of endodontic surgery is addressed
in 42 lessons that detail preoperative analysis, surgical methods,
treatment procedures, and postoperative care. Lessons include sample
forms ready for use.
Practical Lessons in Endodontic Treatment
by D E Arens, M Torabinejad, N Chivian & R
Rubinstein ISBN 0867154837 Publisher:
Quintessence Pub Co; 1 edition (April 15, 2009) $128.00 344 pages 355
illustrations Spiral-bound
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Book Description:
This companion to the popular book Practical Lessons in Endodontic
Surgery offers expert guidance to clinicians who have limited
experience in the nonsurgical procedures involved in root canal
therapy. Synthesizing the very latest clinical concepts and
technologies with tried-and-true traditional treatment methods, it
introduces readers to the challenges associated with nonsurgical
endodontics and delivers realistic solutions in a clear,
step-by-step, “lesson-based” format. Each of the 42 lessons offers
useful, workable, and, above all, practical information and
recommendations covering a specific aspect of endodontic care.
Readers expand their knowledge incrementally, beginning with the
essentials of patient diagnosis, examination, and record-keeping and
progressing through lessons concerned with treatment planning and
preparation for therapy; root canal instrumentation and obturation;
and emergency and adjunctive procedures.
Problem Solving in
Endodontics: Prevention, Identification, and Management (3rd Edition)
by JL Gutmann, TC Dumsha, PE Lovdahl, EJ Hovland ISBN
0815140444 Publisher: Mosby-Year
Book, June 1997
$39.86 (Prices may vary)
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description: This text focuses on difficult and challenging
areas in endodontics.
Key issues such as locating and negotiating fine and calcified
canals, canal cleaning and shaping, root canal obturation,
non-surgical root canal retreatment and management of endodontic
emergencies are presented in a manner which stresses adhering to
basic principles which will prevent
problems in treatment, identify problems already present or
occurring during a treatment, and manage those problems once
they are recognized. All common problems are addressed, and
step-by-step solutions are suggested.
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And Dr. Abraham Ber is a Calgary dentist, practicing in Alberta.
And Dr. Ryan Noah of Region Dental is a Tulsa dentist, practicing in the suburb of Glenpool, OK.