Oral Biology Books/Oral Histology
For your convenience, all books are in alphabetical order by title.
Biology of the Periodontal
Connective Tissuesby Mark Bartold, A. Sampath
Narayanan ISBN 0867153407 Publisher:
Quintessence Pub Co, June 1998
$89.00 278 pages, 130 illus (75 in
color), Hardcover
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Synopsis Offers an understanding of the molecular and
cellular interactions of the periodontal tissues, from a basic
science background to the current research findings. The text
includes discussions of clinical implications, including
pharmacological approaches to disease control, approaches to tissue
management and regenerative therapies, and the development of
diagnostic aids.
Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, 3e
by Mary Bath-Balogh BA BS MS, Margaret J. Fehrenbach RDH MS
ISBN: 1437717306 Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (January 3, 2011)
$70.49 Paperback, 344 pages
Book Description: Featuring detailed illustrations and full-color photographs, Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, 3rd Edition, provides a complete look at dental anatomy, combined with dental embryology and histology and a review of dental structures. A clear, reader-friendly writing style helps you understand both basic science and clinical applications, putting the material into the context of everyday dental practice. Going beyond an introduction to anatomy, this book also covers developmental and cellular information in depth. Color photomicrographs make it easy to discern microscopic structures. Expert authors Mary Bath-Balogh and Margaret Fehrenbach provide an essential background in oral biology for dental professionals, including excellent preparation for the national boards.
Dentofacial Complex by Allan G. Brodie
ISBN: 0971045933 Publisher: Univ. of Illinois College of
Dentistry Press, Nov. 2004
$19.95 154 pages, Hardcover
Description of book:
The Dentofacial Complex is a compilation of a series of
lectures given by Dr. Allan G. Brodie at the University of Illinois at
Chicago. The dentofacial complex is one of the most vital and
intricate parts of the human body, presenting the portals for food and
air and the end organs for sight, hearing, and olfaction. This book is
an effort to explain what the dentofacial complex is and does, where
it came from, and the ills to which it may be subject.
Development, Function and Evolution of
Teeth by by Mark Teaford (Editor), M.W.J.
Ferguson (Editor), Moya Smith (Editor) ISBN: 0521570115
Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press, June 2000
$49.48 (Prices may vary) Hardcover, 324 pages
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
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Book Description: Since the beginning of the 1980s, there has
been an explosion of information generated by scientific research.
One of the beneficiaries of this has been the study of morphology,
where new techniques and analyses have led to insights into a wide
range of topics. Advances in genetics, histology, microstructure,
biomechanics and morphometrics have allowed researchers to view
teeth from new perspectives. However, up to now there has been
little communication between researchers in the different fields of
dental research. This book brings together overviews on a wide range
of dental topics linking genes, molecules and developmental
mechanisms within an evolutionary framework. Written by the leading
experts in the field, this book aims to stimulate co-operative
research in fields as diverse as palaeontology, molecular biology,
developmental biology and functional morphology.
Essentials of Oral Histology and
Embryology: a Clinical Approach (3nd Edition) by J K Avery and D J Chiego ISBN
0323033393 Publisher: Mosby, Dec. 2005
$65.37 (Prices
may vary) 256 pages Softcover
Book Description: This outstanding book covers all areas of oral histology and embryology pertinent to clinical dental practice. Introductory material includes a complete discussion of the structure and function of the body's cells, as well as the stages of orofacial development from conception to birth. It also covers developmental problems such as cleft lip and palate, specific phases of tooth development, and biofilm substances that form on the surface of teeth. New Clinical Comments boxes and Consider the Patient scenarios help readers apply key concepts to actual practice.
Oral Bioscience by A. Shuttleworth, D. K. Whittaker, David B.
Ferguson ISBN: 0443053731 Publisher: Churchill Livingstone, May
$196.59 (Prices may vary) 334 pages, 86 illus, Softcover
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description: Today's Dental Curriculum has moved
away from dividing subjects into separate blocs -the emphasis now is
on students understanding the interrelation between the anatomy,
physiology and biochemistry of the oral facial complex. Oral
Bioscience is a textbook of oral biology for dental students that
matches this need; covering the biochemistry, physiology and
molecular biology of the mouth.
Oral Cells and Tissues
by Philias R. Garant
ISBN: 0867154292 Publisher: Quintessence Pub Co, June 2003
$98.00 400 pages, 338 illus, 214 color, Softcover
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Book Description: This unique book describes the highly complex biology of the oral cells and
tissues in a refreshingly clear and straightforward style. At the same time, it
presents basic science and clinical correlations that demonstrate the
significance of traditional basic science to oral biology as well as to clinical
dentistry. Extensively documented with references to the current literature,
this book will serve equally well as an introductory text for dental students,
as a basic science review for dental postdoctoral specialists, and as a useful
reference for researchers investigating problems related to the oral cavity.
Oral Histology: Development, Structure and Function
(6th Edition) by A R Ten Cate
ISBN 0323016146 Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (July 14, 2003)
$32.00 (Prices may vary)
Out of Print. Click the Amazon
"buy" link to buy used copies of this text.
Book Description The new sixth edition of this definitive reference in dental education has been updated with detailed, contemporary information on the development, structure, and function of the teeth and surrounding tissues. This text is rich with features that provide insight on current research and trends, foster classroom discussion, and provide avenues for further research. Each chapter begins with an outline of chapter content for quick reference and concludes with an up-to-date bibliography section of recommended readings from journals and textbooks. New to this edition is a CD-ROM containing hundreds of full-color photos and micrographs, a comprehensive test bank, and a list of recommended readings for further information on the topics presented in the book. With the inclusion of the CD-ROM, the author states, "This edition can be considered a textbook and electronic learning medium that every student involved in oral health will require and that practitioners will want to have in their offices for reference."
Oral Microbiology, 5th Edition (Paperback) By Philip D. Marsh, BSc, PhD, Michael V. Martin, MBE, BDS,BA, PhD, FRCPath, FFGDPRCS (UK), Michael A. O. Lewis, PhD, BDS, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS(Ed & Eng), FRCPath, FHEA and David W. Williams, BSc(Hons), PhD
ISBN 0443101442 Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 5 edition (April 29, 2009)
$76.93 232 pages Paperback
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Book Description Now expanded and in full colour
throughout, ORAL MICROBIOLOGY retains its unique ecological approach
to the subject which helps the reader determine whether an organism
will have a pathogenic or commensal relationship at a given site. In
the new edition, greater emphasis is placed on the role of current
molecular biology techniques in the understanding of oral microbes.
The book also provides insight into current therapeutic and
prophylactic antibiotic use, infection control, and the
relationships between oral and general health. New authorship also
offers additional expertise on viral and fungal pathogens and the
role of oral microbes in acute and chronic infections.
Permar's Oral Embryology and
Microscopic Anatomyby R C Melfi & K C Alley ISBN
0683306448 Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
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Book Description Provides a foundation in the
embryology and histology of dentistry. Contains: basic histology,
guide for human embryonic development, and focuses on the
development of the face and oral cavity.
Ten Cate's Oral Histology: Development, Structure, and Function, 8th Edition By Antonio Nanci, PhD ISBN
032307846X Publisher: Mosby; 8 edition (March 22, 2012)
$100.00 400 pages Hardcover
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Book Description Understand oral histology and learn to apply your knowledge in the clinical setting with this definitive reference. Now in full color and thoroughly updated, Ten Cate's 8th Edition provides insight on contemporary research and trends in oral histology, embryology, physiology, oral biology, postnatal growth and development that is essential to your success in oral health!
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The books available on this site are suitable for use by practicing dentists
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all of your textbooks at America's Dental Bookstore.
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